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차앤박피부과에서 제공해 드리는 다양한 서비스입니다


세계 최초 종아리보톡스논문 세계적 권위 학술지에 채택

차앤박 2003.10.23

Untitled Document 세계 최초 종아리보톡스논문 세계적 권위 학술지에 채택

CNP차앤박 가족여러분 축하해주세요!
분당 차앤박 이현정 원장님'보톡스를 이용한 종아리 윤곽 교정술'
에 관한 논문이 전세계 피부과 및 성형외과 등 피부미용 관련 분야 전문의들에게 권위있는 학술지로 이름난 Dermatologic Surgery에 accept 되었습니다.
Dermatologic Surgery는 논문을 제출하여 간행허가는 받는 확률이 낮고 중간 교정이 무척 까다로운 문턱이 높은 학술지입니다. 특히나 우리 같은 한국인들에게는 텃세가 심한 편이지요..

종아리 보톡스 시술의 효과를 체계적이고 과학적인 방법으로 입증하신 ~
그리고 당당히 종아리 보톡스 분야에 실력을 인정받으신 이현정 원장님 다시한번 축하드려요~!

궁금하신 분들을 위해 살~짝 내용을 보여드릴께요^^

Reviewer 1 Comments:
This is a nice article describing Botulinum toxin A injection for the
treatment of enlarged medial gastrocnemius muscle.

Reviewer 2 Comments:
This study is certainly interesting as it examines the role
of botox in improving the calf contour which is indeed a common
problem in Asians.

[보톡스를 이용한 종아리 윤곽 교정술]


Oversized, muscular calves can cause psychological stress in women. It is belived that botulinum toxin might be effective in reducing enlarged calf muscles.
This study was performed to investigate the effect of botulinum toxin A in reducing enlarged medial gastrocnemius muscles in volunteers with muscular legs.
Botulinum toxin A was injected in each medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle in women. Clinical photography was taken and the leg circumferences were measured. The functional evaluations were performed by examining range of joint motion, and motor and sensory examination.
All of the enrolled subjects showed a reduction in the medial gastrocnemius muscle after the botulinum toxin injection. The reduction in medial calf was noticed even after one week and the effect of was well maintained for 6 months. Leg contouring was obtained by the botulinum toxin treatment. No functional disabilities were observed.
Botulinum toxin A can be used to contour the aesthetic enlargement of the medial gastrocnemius muscle with slight reduction in volume. Botulinum toxin-induced atrophy of the muscle caused no functional disabilities and the clinical improvement was well maintained for 6 months after the botulinum toxin A injection.

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