인터넷익스플로러 버전이 9 이하입니다. 현재 브라우저에서는 정상적인 이용이 불가능 합니다.
보안과 최적화를 위해 업데이트 해주세요!

CNP Clinic’s 20 years of experience

gives a plus factor to your skin.

With about 50 dermatologists in 23 branches in Korea and abroad, CNP Clinic provides unparalleled personal services based on your skin condition.

  • Since 1996

  • 23 Clinics in Korea and abroad

  • About 50 Dermatologists

How does it work?

CNP Clinic handles everything, from online consultation to sharing home remedies.

  • Online Consultation

  • Reservation

  • Consultation

  • Treatment

  • Aftercare Service

Do you have something in mind?

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your skin, our services, reservation, and other
related matters. Our medical specialists will answer them.

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