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차앤박피부과에서 제공해 드리는 다양한 서비스입니다


박연호원장 Korea Times 칼럼니스트 활동

차앤박 2002.08.19

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2002년 8월 19일부터 양재 박연호 원장께서 코리아타임즈(korea times)에 "Dr. Henry"라는 제목으로 고정 칼럼을 게재합니다.
칼럼은 매주 월요일 life style(14면)에 기고되오니 많은 관심바랍니다.

[Medical Column]

Dr. Henry - "Smelly Feet’

By Henry Yeon Ho Park M.D.

Most people are having problems with smelly feet, especially during the summer season. One of my friends is often afraid to go to the restaurants in which he had to take his shoes off, because of his smelly feet.

That’s why many people who have embarrassingly smelly feet, including my friend, try to terminate the smell from their feet through the use of acetic acid and by frequently changing their socks. However, It is not easy to diminish the smell. Why is it so difficult?

The reason of the smell is based on the structural anatomy of the sole of the foot. A palm and foot are two of the moistest parts of the body, often experiencing excessive perspiration. A foot contains approximately 200,000 sweat glands, which is 10 times more than the sweat glands found on one’s back.

The sweat is not initially smelly, but rather causes a stench when dead cells, mold and bacteria combine through a blending and resolution process. In particular, a calloused foot is thicker than normal skin and it gives off a more pungent smell with excessive perspiration on the inflated callous.

Fortunately, the smelly feet can often be treated with ointments and other over-the-counter medications. For those with serious symptoms, including itching and peeling callouses, dermatologists may prescribe some medication containing antibiotics.

Thus, the best way to prevent an excessive smell is to continually keep your feet clean and dry, use soaps containing an antibiotic substance, use socks made of cotton and change them frequently, putting powder inside the shoes occasionally and place those shoes in a well-ventilated place with rolled newspaper inside.

The writher is a representative of CNP Skin Clinic.

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